In recent years, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) has become a key topic in global capital markets, particularly on Wall Street, where an increasing number of investors and companies are ...
达娜·R·费舍是一名社会学家,她基于自己对大型社会运动的研究,自称为“末日乐观主义者”。她的研究表明,日益频发的气候灾难将促使人们走上街头,要求采取必要的行动。她详细阐述了如何在个人与社区层面培养应对灾难的韧性——以及如何在看似无解的问题面前集中力量 ...
伦敦 - 在澳大利亚、印度尼西亚和美国拥有权益的油气开发公司Empyrean Energy PLC今日宣布,已与Chi Oil and Gas Pty Ltd和Condor Energy Services Ltd签署了最终农场协议,正式确认其将参与Wilson River-1井的钻探工作。
SHANGHAI, March 4 (Xinhua) -- The world's first floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel with a carbon capture and storage facility was delivered in Shanghai on Monday, according to a ...
The U.S. stock market's artificial intelligence boom is facing a setback. On March 3, Nvidia, a leading AI stock, dropped 8.69%, dragging the Nasdaq down 2.64%. The Dow Jones and S&P 500 also fell, by ...
分析师们已调整了对Northern Oil and Gas的评估。花旗将目标价下调至45美元,同时维持买入评级,理由是近期运营挑战和宏观经济不确定性。Raymond James也将目标价下调至58美元,但保持强力买入评级,指出对高于预期的资本支出的担忧。RBC将目标价下调至40美元,维持板块表现评级,原因是2025年产量和资本支出预期持平。
The draft deal, as US media reported, included the establishment of a fund to be jointly owned by Ukraine and the United States, to which Ukraine will contribute 50 percent of its revenues from the ...