A man suing the City of Las Vegas claims city marshals have gone rogue in his case, alleging wrongful arrest and an ...
A Nevada father is facing criminal charges after police in Tennessee said they found seven children riding in the back of a U ...
The vote on a resolution to adopt the update — and recommend to the Board of Supervisors the same — was 5-0 with ...
The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for the west slope of the northern Sierra Nevada, from 11 ...
Here are the 11 longest highways in America, linking major cities and beautiful landscapes across the country.
What's commonly considered one of the city's worst roadway stretches is finally getting some much-needed and long-overdue ...
Planet 13 Holdings Inc. (CSE: PLTH) (OTCQX: PLNH) (“Planet 13” or the “Company”), a leading vertically-integrated multi-state cannabis company, today announced the grand opening of its 31st Florida ...