(洛杉矶综合电)奥兰多魔术(Orlando Magic)在新加坡时间星期一(3月17日)凌晨进行的美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)中,客场以108比103击败东岸霸主克利夫兰骑士(Cleveland Cavaliers),终结了后者创队史纪录的16连胜。
北京时间3月17日,NBA常规赛展开8场对决, 东契奇 送全能数据,他的一项壮举在队史追平 詹姆斯 ;哈登一项数据并列NBA历史第一;爱德华兹刷新队史单赛季40+场次纪录,以下是今日数据汇总—— ...
奥尼尔认为历史上最有影响力的控卫仍是魔术师。库里紧随其后,多获得1座总冠军和2次FMVP,这些优势在媒体和球员的评选中必然被考虑。魔术师如同今天的库里,在80年代对NBA产生了重大影响。值得一提的是,库里目前暂居控卫历史第二,相信这将给他带来更多动力 ...
As the NBA season heads into the final weeks, here's how the league's top contenders stack up by odds ahead of the playoffs.
Duke looks to have three strong players in the 2025 NBA draft. Here is a look at the top 10 prospects on Selection Sunday.
The Thunder bounced back from their loss to Denver with road wins over defending NBA champion Boston, Detroit and Milwaukee.
On Sunday afternoon, the Dallas Mavericks played the 76ers in Philadelphia. The Mavs lost by a score of 130-125. Klay ...
As we approach the business-end of the season, one hoped-for reality of the NBA has come into focus: The league's goal to ...