For 38 days, Trond Larsen, an ecologist at Conservation International led a team of 12 Peruvian scientists with the help of expert guides from the local indigenous tribe, the Awajún. Over the course ...
1月初,美国洛杉矶野火燃烧,熊熊大火吞噬了原本繁荣的城市、华丽的宅邸,造成超过1,350亿美元的损失。 野火肆虐的画面震惊全世界,而在火灾期间,除了紧急避难的群众,动物居民们的身影也备受关注,例如一只在橘红天色中奋力攀爬的陆龟,或在浓烟中逃窜的小鹿。
"Understanding salamander toes could lead to similar breakthroughs in attachment technologies." Salamanders of the Aneides genus have long puzzled scientists with their square-shaped toe tips and ...
How salamanders manage to move around on uneven, vertical tree surfaces with such dexterity has long baffled scientists ... filling their toes with pools of blood. While Christian Brown at ...
These structures were long thought to aid in oxygenation, but no scientific evidence supported that claim. The study suggests that controlling blood flow in the toes allows salamanders to adjust ...
“Understanding salamander toes could lead to similar breakthroughs in attachment technologies.” Salamanders of the Aneides genus have long puzzled scientists with their square-shaped toe tips and ...
Here we can see a salamander's square toes and red blood "lakes" The salamander's square shaped toes and and bright red blood "lakes", which can be seen just beneath their clear skin, were ...
Wandering salamanders are known for gliding high through the canopies of coastal redwood forests, but how the small amphibians stick their landing and take-off with ease remains something of a mystery ...
"Understanding salamander toes could lead to similar breakthroughs in attachment technologies." Salamanders of the Aneides genus have long puzzled scientists with their square-shaped toe tips and ...
A new study suggests that a tree-dwelling salamander may be able to control its grip on trees' bark by pumping blood in and out of the tips of its toes ... be in for a long climb back up.
“Understanding salamander toes could lead to similar breakthroughs in attachment technologies.” Salamanders of the Aneides genus have long puzzled scientists with their square-shaped toe tips and ...
To better explore what was happening, the team took a close-up look at stained toes under a microscope, as well as recording videos of living salamanders, to explore the blood-flow both on a ...