But as any do-it-yourselfer can tell you, a lapse in basic ladder safety rules can cause a close call or worse. Sign up for ...
While they’re a helpful tool, ladder-related incidents account for thousands of injuries each year and hundreds of deaths.
Spring is the perfect time to tackle home improvement and maintenance projects such as painting or cleaning gutters. Before you start, take some time to brush up on ladder safety tips – especially ...
March is National Ladder Safety Month and a good time to remember some important safety tips next time you're cleaning out your gutters or changing a light bulb.
The American Ladder Institute (ALI) leads National Ladder Safety Month this March ... and Accessories Week 4: Safe Climbing and Positioning As part of the campaign, ALI is hosting a special ...
Opinions expressed are those of the author. We’ve all used the old cliché about climbing the corporate ladder. It’s become synonymous with achieving success in one’s career, one rung at a time.
Before you start, take some time to brush up on ladder safety tips – especially when ... up with a rope rather than holding them while climbing. If carrying a ladder, hold it parallel to the ...