And as for Joest, its second Le Mans double after 1984 and 1985 resulted in the team being picked up by Audi to run its LMP cars in top-flight sportscar racing. The Joest-Audi-Kristensen ...
And as for Joest, its second Le Mans double after 1984 and 1985 resulted in the team being picked up by Audi to run its LMP cars in top-flight sportscar racing. The Joest-Audi-Kristensen ...
Weighing in at a minimum of 870kg, the cars are designed to push the very limits of endurance vehicle design and are often used as a test bed for advanced technology destined for road cars in the ...
Both cars featured the Gulf Oil blue and orange livery as they set out on the world-famous Paul Ricard Circuit. All six drivers from both cars (Jan Charouz, Tomas Enge and Stefan Mücke in the 007 ...