A phased pangenome of potato constructed from 60 wild and cultivated haplotypes shows that substantial hybridization occurred during domestication and enables identification of many putative ...
The arrival of the new year brings with it the opportunity to sow seeds indoors for the year ahead. For some plants, including tropical crops like chillies and aubergines, sowing as early as January ...
Promoting mutually beneficial relationships between plants and soil microbes that enhance nutrient acquisition by plants could improve crop production without increasing inorganic-fertilizer use.
Water has gushed down Queen St in Auckland’s city centre after an underground water main is believed to have burst. A witness told the Herald there was an enormous amount of water “leaping ...
It should go without saying that asphalt plants are a complex interconnected system. After speaking with experts from several top asphalt plant manufacturers, one of the biggest takeaways I had ...
The ACM Prime Asphalt-Mixing Plant is perfect for those who have a number of small jobs in varied locations and where frequent transport is required, and for paving contractors looking to ...
Fruit trees need to be grown in the right conditions if they're to flower and fruit to their full potential. Bare-root fruit trees are generally cheaper to buy than potted trees, and the time to buy ...
While it’s easier than ever to buy live plants online, sometimes, despite our best intentions, those live plants become, well, dead plants. Artificial plants — fake plants, silk plants ...
通常我们使用LDO稳压器IC(以下简称LDO),可以简单地实现DC-DC转换。作为电压调节工具,LDO在输入输出电压差小的时候效率非常好,但是在电压差大的时候,由于其工作特性,会导致较高的功率损耗并发热严重。 因此,适当的热设计对于确保产品长期可靠性 ...
The town of Seekonk will pay nearly $1 million to a company that claims it was wrongfully blocked from building an asphalt plant in town. The federal court settlement also means the company will ...
故障现象一辆2007款日产天籁车,搭载VQ23发动机(气缸编号如图1所示,点火顺序为1-2-3-4-5-6),累计行驶里程约为21万km。车主反映,该车起步加速时偶尔抖动,且行驶中加速无力。 图1 VQ23发动机的气缸编号 故障诊断接车后试车,发动机怠速运转平稳,但只要 ...