DONALD Trump and Vladimir Putin have agreed to a partial ceasefire on strikes against energy and infrastructure in their ...
Ukraine’s cross-border offensive into Russia’s Kursk region was a mistake that could lead to further loss of territory, ...
Servicemen of the border service of Ukraine from the elite 7th detachment, recently transferred to Sumy region, are fleeing ...
Russia has been amassing forces in what appear to be preparations for a decisive push into Kursk Oblast region.
Following Trump and Zelensky's meeting, the pause of military support has left American vehicles abroad, able to be caught by ...
According to a Russian military blogger, mass use of fiber optic FPV drones to target Ukrainian logistics forced them to ...
The US and Russian leaders are expected to talk about "land", “power plants” and “dividing up certain assets”, Trump says.
Andrey Klimenko hiccups and shifts his weight from one leg to the other. "It's nerves," he says at a temporary refuge for ...
Democrats search for a reboot Venezuelans deported despite court order Trump, Putin to speak about Ukraine Dems reckon with ...
ሩሲያ በምዕራብ ሩሲያ ኩርስክ ግዛት ከሰባት ወር በፊት ወረራ የፈጸሙትን የመጨረሻዎቹን የዩክሬን ኃይሎች ለማስወጣት ውጊያ እያደረገች እንደምትገኝ የሩሲያ ባለስልጣናት በትናንትናው እለት ተናግረዋል። ...
At the height of their offensive, Ukrainian forces controlled some 500 square miles of Russian soil. Now they hold just a ...
At the height of the campaign, Ukrainian forces controlled some 500 square miles of Russian territory. Now they hold just a ...