Thousands of foreign Jews found refuge in Albania during World War II. Yet youths in this once-Marxist nation of 2.6 million know nearly nothing of that unique legacy. ELBASAN, Albania — Isaac ...
AMSTERDAM (JTA) — Jews’ share of the population of Europe is as low now as it was 1,000 years ago and is declining even further, according to a landmark new demographic study. The study ...
Defend yourselves! Do not buy from Jews!’ In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were passed. The aim of these laws was to take away the rights of Jewish people to be citizens of Germany. This did not mean ...
By the beginning of the first century AD, Jews had spread from their homeland in Judaea across the Mediterranean and there were major Jewish communities in Syria, Egypt, and Greece. Practicing a ...
Opdyke heard that quiet voice when she decided to hide 12 Jews — one of them a pregnant woman — in the basement of a German ...