Accompanied by friend and mentor Gennaro Contaldo, chef Jamie Oliver embarks on an Italian cooking adventure to reveal mouth-watering regional recipes passed on from generation to generation.
Moment Italian Air Force eurofighter intercepts American Airlines #AA292 mid-air and escorts them to Rome-Fiumicino after a bomb threat forced an emergency diversion.
Antonio and Gennaro learn about the history of pizza in Naples. In Campania, the two look at how poverty has affected Italian cuisine.
英为财情 – 本周市场将关注一系列的重磅经济数据。其中,欧洲多国将公布5月份CPI数据和制造业PMI数据,美国将公布ADP就业人数和非农就业数据,此外,从周二开始 ...
英为财情 – 周五欧市早盘,意大利国家统计局公布的数据显示,该国第二季度GDP降幅好于市场预期,但仍然创有记录以来最差季度表现。 数据显示,意大利第二季度GD ...