Berks County also celebrated Vietnam War Veteran's Day. Saturday's "Welcome Home" event allowed veterans to share their stories and war experiences with each other. March 29 was chosen as National ...
Over 3 million people died in total. The U.S suffered 58,220 deaths. North Vietnam plus the Viet Cong had 1,100,000 soldiers ...
Friday marks National Vietnam War Veterans Day, and for this month's Texoma Heroes ceremony, Vietnam vet Richard Pena spoke ...
Here are three possibilities, three scenarios for what happened: ...
Many of us say we would die for our country. But are we willing to wind up alive in a cage for an even higher principle?
General knowledge isn’t just about remembering facts; it’s about understanding the world around you! Whether you're preparing ...
The public is invited to join the DuBois Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 813 on Saturday for National Vietnam War Veterans Day, ...
YAKIMA, Wash.- Yakima Warriors Association invites the public to honor Veterans for Welcome Home Veterans Day.
An international effort is underway in rural areas of Laos, where 80 percent of the population lives, to remove the bombs.
Arguments the Trump administration has brought to the Supreme Court surrounding impoundment could entirely reshape how public ...
Veteran programs are in the sights of Russell Vought, who currently controls America’s purse strings. The US Constitution gave Congress that crucial responsibility, but our present GOP Congress has la ...
"China has entered an 'Age of Sarcasm’. Anywhere outside of state-sponsored parties, entertainment shows, or the comedies and ...