The median wage in the Orlando metro area is $45,000, and residents earning that should pay about $1,100 a month for housing, ...
The earthquake has killed over 1,600 people in Myanmar and Thailand while leaving at least 2,300 injured - the death toll is expected to rise further as rescuers continue to search the rubble ...
Param Vora doesn’t mind living in a 100-square-foot SoMa co-living space with a sink, mini-fridge and shared kitchen and bathroom. A year after getting a master’s in artificial intelligence at ...
House Democrats are ramping up their aggressive strategy of conducting town halls in Republican-held districts, vying to ...
Social Security is in trouble, warns U.S. Rep Richard Neal (D-Massachusetts).
THIS is the dramatic moment a woman was pulled alive from the rubble in Myanmar after being trapped for more than 30 hours.
Startled residents were evacuated down staircases of high-rise condominiums and hotels in Bangkok. In Myanmar's Naypyitaw, the quake damaged religious shrines and some homes.
BGE could face a big fine after it inexplicably cut off a woman's electricity without notice, prompting a state agency to ...
Over a dozen Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian village in the southern Israeli-occupied West Bank on Friday, beating residents with sticks and rocks, in an incident captured ...
Plus, the Delco Boys Basketball League honors Pat Quinn; the Folsom Italian Festival brings food and fun to Delco on Saturday ...
New modelling puts 4.6mn English properties at risk from rain that falls faster than the ground can absorb it — a jump of 43 ...