This part of the portfolio is particularly important for Illustration with Graphic Design applicants, as it helps to further demonstrate your illustrative and image making talents. Your digital ...
Students may declare graphic design upon entering the University. Continuance in the graphic design BFA beyond the second year is contingent upon a 3.0 major GPA, completion of required courses and a ...
Communication designers have the skills of graphic designers, with the leadership skills to define problems that ... portfolio review is the only requirement to declare the B.F.A. in Communication ...
Minor in Art Minors in art include art history, book & publication arts, ceramics, digital media, drawing, graphic design, painting, photography and videography, printmaking and sculpture. Learn more ...
Our classes are led by dedicated and experienced faculty in studios designed for sculpture, ceramics, painting, drawing, two-dimensional design, printmaking, weaving, surface design, graphic design ...