Even old conventional shops whose owners have witnessed the days of Generalissimo Franco have learned to adapt and create new ways of getting their products to compete in the international market.
Digitalization is a call of today as it is a propellant – an investment that goes beyond providing technology but also a means to pave the way for a more inclusive future with the potential to reshape ...
Moscow (AsiaNews) - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Gundjaev) is speeding up procedures to obtain tthe canonisation of the ‘generalissimo’ Aleksandr Suvorov, by the fateful date of May 9 ...
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Gundjaev) is speeding up procedures to obtain tthe canonisation of the ‘generalissimo’ Aleksandr Suvorov, by the fateful date of May 9, the 80th anniversary of Victory in ...