Aug. 6, 2006, my wife and I were blessed to participate in Sunday school and worship with Jimmy Carter at Maranatha Baptist ...
But it also has religious significance. The stone was found in Upper Galilee believed to be where Jesus preached, walked on water and was baptized. The team, from the Hebrew University ...
The parishioners of the Church of St Louis had a special celebration recently, to mark the 25th sacerdotal anniversary of ...
Knowing that our salvation is and through Christ, our sole mediator, we celebrate, share, encourage and help each other in the communion of saints. We attempt to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ...
[Mumo Munuve,Standard] A foot imprint on a rock in Matsigulu village, Vihiga County, has for decades been hailed as that of “Jesus Christ”. However, exposure to the vagaries of nature has ...
Have you ever contemplated what it might be like to tread in the footsteps of God? Around the globe, there are holy locations where the divine presence is thought to have graced the earth. Whether you ...
As pilgrims, we are also called to make our decision to follow Christ. To become saints, we must walk in the footsteps of Jesus and begin a new journey guided by what we have been taught,” he said.
Despite difficulties experienced in the journey of faith, the Holy Father said God speaks to people through 'creation and the ...
Reflecting on the visit of the Magi to the child Jesus, recorded exclusively in the Gospel of St. Matthew, the 88-year-old pope encouraged Christians to follow in the footsteps of these wise ...