The smooth leather design, available in two hues called sienna red and natural beige, features the Fendi monogram on the sides using the fashion brand’s Selleria hand stitching technique.
The Hong Kong Palace Museum and the world-renowned Liechtenstein Princely Collections (the Collections) are currently presenting the special exhibition “Odysseys of Art: Masterpieces Collected by the ...
We reviewed the best free Adobe Illustrator alternatives for managing graphics files without a Creative Cloud subscription. We've rounded-up our top-rated choices for when you want to make the ...
凭借本土优势和不断升级的产品力,国产滑雪服品牌以更贴合消费者的方式,打破国际品牌对滑雪市场“一统天下”的局面,推动着国内市场朝着细分化、高端化方向发展。 “国外滑雪产品专业性强,知名度高,所以过去人们选装备基本上只知道国际品牌。”滑雪教练王珂介绍,但近几年他明显感受到,雪场上穿国产滑雪品牌的人越来越多。