Remote cameras were deployed in the Arctic mountains across nearly a decade; Valuable footage of moms and cubs emerging from ...
Researchers from Polar Bears International, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, the Norwegian Polar Institute, and the University of Toronto Scarborough reveal the first detailed look at polar bear cubs ...
Female polar bears give birth in December or early January when the cubs are blind, hairless and weigh just 0.5 kg.
Neither albino nor polar bear, the spirit bear (also known ... This bear's bigger and more confident than the Gribbell Island bear. Fat rolls down its belly. It appears to be wearing a coat ...
Julian Carolan says researchers are looking at polar bear grease because it repels ice. That property could help replace the harmful forever chemicals currently used in non-stick cookware.
Despite this clear motivation to get back to hunting seals on the sea ice, polar bear families will often hang out at the den for days or weeks after emerging. On average, the families we monitored in ...
Polar bear mothers in the Arctic generally give birth ... nursing on milk that’s about 31 percent fat. By the time they are ready to leave the den in the spring, they are up to 20 times bigger ...
The great white polar bear is the youngest and largest of the world's bear species — a mighty hunter and fierce defender of its young that's among the world's most vulnerable animals. Two-thirds of ...
Researchers use remote camera footage and satellite collars to gain new insights into polar bear denning behavior and cub survival. The denning period is the most critical time in a polar bear’s life.