Faricimab can reduce vascular leakage and inflammation in patients who demonstrated a poor response to other anti-VEGF agents.
1月30日,罗氏公布2024年全年业绩,总营收达604.95亿瑞士法郎(约688.92亿美元),同比增长7%(按固定汇率计算)。其中,制药业务 ...
典型的双抗药物如罗氏的Hemlibra(艾美赛珠单抗)、Vabysmo(Faricimab)等,不仅在国际市场上取得了卓越的成绩,甚至在中国市场也展示出强劲的增长态势。2018年,Hemlibra成为国内首款上市的双特异性抗体药物,其全球销售额在2023年达到了49.3亿美元,蕴含着巨大 ...
The following is a summary of “HER2-low status as a distinct breast cancer subtype: myth or truth? Analysis of the WSG trials WSG-ADAPT-HR+/HER2-, WSG-PlanB, and WSG-ADAPT-TN,” published in the ...
Video content above is prompted by the following: As treatments with greater durability emerge, how might they change your approach to treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration or diabetic ...
Hoffmann-La Roche, and Teva. Clinic capacity constraints are an ever-increasing problem in ophthalmology. Multiple case studies demonstrate that faricimab frees up clinic capacity with extended ...
Various anti-VEGF agents are administered by intravitreal injections such as faricimab, bevacizumab, brolucizumab, aflibercept, and ranibizumab. The gene & cell therapy segment is expected to register ...