ISO 26262 is a standard related to the safety of electrical and electronic systems within a car and addresses possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of safety-related systems, including ...
Emil Björnson has been supported by ELLIIT, CENIIT, and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Luca Sanguinetti has been supported by the ERC Starting Grant 305123 MORE. The authors' version ...
Starring Rosalinde Mynster and Joachim Fjelstrup as Mia and Emil, the movie revolves around the couple trying to navigate their individual and shared experiences within their relationship.
The ISO/SAE 21434 standard focuses on cybersecurity for road vehicles. Cars are getting smarter, more complicated, and more vulnerable to cyberattacks. As the amount of semiconductor and software ...
会做饭、会做家务,会唱会跳,还是个小医生……养老机器人离我们的生活不远了! 国际电子商情28日讯 近日,国际电工委员 ...