The standard prerequisite for all 300-level economics courses is two semesters of Principles of Economics: ECON 101 and 102. These courses are designed for students interested in learning the basics ...
A student who has an AP credit for ECON 101 must have completed at least one core intermediate economics course (ECON 202, ECON 203 or ECON 204) prior to their application. Students with a grade in ...
Three years after Colorado voters approved a ballot measure to subsidize free lunches for all students, regardless of ...
As a political science major at Saint Mary’s in the 60s, I remember three professors who suggested that tariffs charged to other nations were not good for business or prosperity for the country posing ...
You don't have to be an economics major or minor to benefit from a course or two in economics. A basic understanding of economics will make you a better citizen and a better consumer. (See Not an ...