Valentine is no where near East Texas, but as a bonus entry, this is the site of the strongest earthquake with an epicenter ...
Scientists challenge the idea that intelligent life is rare. They argue that evolution follows planetary changes, not random ...
For decades, scientists assumed that life on Earth emerged through a chain of highly improbable flukes. But a new theory ...
A new study led by a team of scientists from the University of Leeds has revealed that the cold conditions that have allowed ...
Las Vegas locals began a project in the 1990s to protect a geological marvel at the edge of town. They made educational signs ...
The seismicity, or the frequency of earthquakes, around Delhi might be associated with the Delhi-Haridwar Ridge, a “major ...
Mars, our neighboring red planet, possesses some of the most dazzling and extreme geological features within our solar system ...
As NASA astronauts aim for landings in 2027, geologists find surprises in recently retrieved samples from the far ...
Circle a country or region by sea and you will experience its changing character in a way no other trip can rival ...
One might assume that marine fossils are exclusively unearthed in sedimentary coastal or underwater deposits. This is far ...
“Our existence is probably not an evolutionary fluke,” says Jennifer Macalady, a study co-author and microbiology professor ...