Questo progetto utilizza un sensore PIR e una board ESP32 per rilevare il movimento e inviare una transazione Bitcoin, utilizzando lo script OP_RETURN per includere una stringa personalizzabile nella ...
The purpose of the NEA ESP National conference is to grow and strengthen the professional excellence of ESP members working in Pre-K to Higher-Ed through Association-convened, educator-led, and ...
The mini, DIY, Low cost, ESP32 based, high performance flight controller for hobbyists. ESP32 mini board or ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini or similar MPU9250 SPI or MPU6050 I2C gyro (GY-88, GY-91, GY-521 or ...
Their earliest draft of an ESP32 module, called the ESP3212, has been scrapped and replaced with the ESP-32S, with a pinout that’s identical to Espressif’s WROOM32, according to [Angus Gratton ...