If you're in college, money is likely tight. You can generally file your taxes for free if you have a straightforward return. Taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $84,000 or less can prepare and ...
As tax season approaches, understanding the key tax credits and deductions can significantly impact your financial outcome.
As President Trump moves toward dismantling the Department of Education, states heavily reliant on federal funding face an ...
The Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative will provide $10,000 in scholarships for local students. The deadline to apply ends on March 28.
Filing a complaint under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is an important step if you believe your ...
A court declined to prevent DOGE from accessing sensitive student loan borrower data housed at the Department of Education.
If you're one of the many Americans still paying off your student loans, there's a special tax deduction you should know ...
Taxpayers with children may be eligible to claim benefits of up to $8,000 under a program similar to the CTC if they meet the ...