Protein seems to be everywhere lately. When you think of protein-rich foods, waffles, cookies and chips probably don’t come ...
Hawaiʻi is down to just one commercial dairy, mostly relying on imported milk. A new proposal looks at a West Kauaʻi site.
An NHS Gp is urging people to look for symptoms that could mean they have a vitamin or mineral deficiency - that should be easy to fix. Dr Dave Nichols, NHS GP and resident doctor for MyHealthChecked, ...
The recommended daily amount rises slightly for older adults, increasing from 15 micrograms per day to 20 mcg at age 71. One cup of fortified 2% milk contains 2.9 mcg of vitamin D, compared to 14.2 ...
New research has found that eating milk and fiber-rich foods like sweet potatoes and apple daily could reduce the risk of ...
By understanding what triggers IBS and making necessary lifestyle adjustments those affected by this condition can improve ...
AI is transforming the food industry, optimizing production, safety, nutrition, & supply chains. With rising investment, AI ...
Scientists have long known about the downsides of red and processed meats. Eating them has been linked with increased risks ...
Oat milk brand Three Robins has ditched the last traces of added sugar from its chocolate milk alternative, Choccoriffic, ...
By Eden Barnwell and Sydney Cockerham Our bodies are constantly changing. It is important to focus on different types of nutrients at different times during the lifespan. Age is a factor in some of ...
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK with 44,000 people diagnosed with the disease every year ...
Colorectal cancer has been rising in younger people, but new research suggests that dietary choices may play a more ...