Tula-Tu, the elephant calf born earlier this month, is undeniably cute. But she isn’t the first ... Send us an email at [email protected]. Nora the polar bear cub at the Oregon Zoo on August ...
In the clip, a mother polar bear emerges from her den with her two young cubs. For the baby bears, it is their first time experiencing the Arctic outdoors. "She leads them into a new world of ...
A playful polar bear cub (not the one pictured here ... belly as she rests in the snow and giving her little kisses and baby bear nibbles on her face. At one point, she gently pushes back against ...
The sleepy mama bear is so gentle as she uses her giant paws to try to push the cub away, but the baby is not daunted by the sheer, massive size of its mama. Now that’s love. Polar Bear parents ...
A female Polar bear and her cub There may ... Those who looked at cute and cuddly photos of baby animals consistently outperformed their peers. Caring for babies not only involves tenderness ...