Current local time in Los_Angeles (America/Los_Angeles timezone). Get information about the America/Los_Angeles time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is ...
Los Angeles is ready and safe for visitors, with 98% of the region unaffected by wildfires. Tourists can enjoy iconic ...
DST will end at 02:00:00 AM, Sunday, Oct 27, 1918. When local clocks are to be set backward by 1 hour.
Building a more resilient Los Angeles will require a government refocused on efficiently providing critical infrastructure ...
Thousands of personnel—firefighters, first responders, and the National Guard—have turned their attention towards stifling the catastrophic Los Angeles ... also opened local assistance centers ...
we are going to need help for a long time." Here's where you can donate to help victims of the Southern California wildfires. The American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles is providing shelter ...
was at five acres in medium fuels with a moderate rate of spread shortly before 9 p.m. local time, as firefighters worked to stop forward movement. A fire that erupted northeast of Los Angeles in ...
With thousands of Los Angeles homeowners seeking refuge from the wrath of wildfires, the fallout from the destruction could include higher rent prices across the city, where more than half of ...
While the entire NBA world was busy with the Jimmy Butler fiasco, things got really interesting with the Los Angeles Lakers. Sending shockwaves around the NBA world, Luka Doncic joined forces with ...
Los Angeles city and county officials are giving an update on the wildfire impacts Thursday morning at a press conference, which is scheduled to start at 8 a.m. local time (11 a.m. ET).
As area leaders take stock of the long-term implications of this month’s Los Angeles area fires, they should consider the local government ... revenue hit will take time as we learn how much ...
and the cause of the current fires is still under investigation — Los Angeles County has received virtually no rain since the summer, which was its hottest in 130 years. That has kept local ...