Crystallization is a common method in synthetic chemistry that allows the isolation and purification of compounds, and also aids their characterization through techniques such as X-ray ...
Here is the formula for hydrated copper(II) sulfate. Notice that water of crystallisation is separated from the main formula by a dot.
The atoms and molecules that make up all substances are connected in a particular way for each substance. In crystals, the particles repeat in a pattern that gives the crystal its special shape. Some ...
Our global experiments are a key part of our experimentation programme on Learn Chemistry, through which we support and promote practical science in new collaborative ways. Two years ago, we organised ...
Allow current to run up to 24 hours. In the meantime, show the finished version of the electrolysis Explain how tin disproportionates to create the crystals (see Explore the Chemistry). Here are some ...
Dr Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza is a Professor of Materials Chemistry in our department of Chemistry, in the field of molecular crystals and crystallisation.