The Great Hihi Sperm Race will pit samples from birds collected from four different hihi colonies, and donors can place a ten NZ dollar (US$7.30; £5.15) bet on which of the 128 samples swims the ...
Bird flu means mass chicken killing. Some 200,000 hens in Otago were gassed in December to halt the spread of an avian influenza that had become highly pathogenic. Shocking as the numbers sound ...
Introduced predators such as rats and stoats kill more than 25 million native birds and wildlife every year in New Zealand. An estimated 1382 rats were dispatched in traps and an estimated 3600 ...
Boast and a team of researchers, for example, are using fossilized dung to learn more about the diets of extinct flightless birds called moa that once roamed around New Zealand. Coprolites helped ...