Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Os navios AIDAstella da AIDA Cruises e Spectrum of the Seas, que pertencem à Royal Caribbean International, trouxeram quase 4 ...
La Terminal Internacional de Cruceros Wusongkou de Shanghai dio la bienvenida hoy domingo a un número récord de turistas extranjeros, al atracar en el puerto dos grandes cruceros internacionales.
For 19 years, Henan Normal University professor Ding Yongxiang has led efforts to rescue Huai Opera, a 300-year-old ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
2025金马奇幻影展将于4月11日至20日盛大登场!今日(3/14)再惊喜公布两部特别放映片单。金马奖最佳原创歌曲得主周兴哲,出道十周年专辑首次推出影像计画《爱,总有开始的地方》(Love Has Its Ways),奇幻影展独 ...
当涉及到对过去40亿年来地球上进化的所有蛋白质和酶进行编目时,人类知识几乎没有触及表面。这就是为什么一家名为Basecamp Research的公司正在将图形和人工智能技术结合起来,以扩大人类知识的范围并加速药物发现。
你知道吗?全球有超过 3.2 亿人讲法语,分布在五大洲 93 个国家和地区,其中 29 个国家将法语定为官方语言!Did you know? Over 320 million people speak French across 93 ...
The 29th Month of La Francophonie in South China officially opened on March 8 at Guangzhou Opera House, marking the start of ...
《美的多元——古希腊的艺术与生活》,由中国国家博物馆联合希腊文化部及希腊国家考古博物馆共同主办的展览。展览展出希腊国家考古博物馆的279件(套)代表性文物,展品时间跨越新石器时代晚期至公元前1世纪近5000年,再现了古希腊对“美”这一主题的执着追求和 ...