The Mahabharata' often found its way into our daily lives as children. Just as Bhishma took a vow never to marry, we would take our own 'Bhishma vows' — like refusing to talk to a friend after a ...
Shoroshojya’ is more than just a book. It’s the war we’ve fought, the emotions we’ve felt, and it is the story of a person who fought for his life” ...
Don was first seen as Mervin in the Death in Paradise 2024 Christmas special. Don, who's also enjoyed parts in Sherwood, Shetland and Doctor Who, says: "Being offered the new lead role in Death in ...
The war of Mahabharata, also known as the Kurukshetra Yuddh, was fought between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, two brother clans that were fighting for control of the Kingdom. And while the ...
The notorious “Blue Screen of Death” — or BSOD for short — is the biggest disaster that can befall a Windows user. The system shuts down with a cryptic error ...