In each sample paragraph below, one or more strategies are used to introduce or conclude an essay concerning the topic "a favorite vacation." Read the paragraphs. Then click on one or more possible ...
Fact checked by Emily Swaim Formatting an essay in APA style can be a bit intimidating, especially if you're used to another ...
Quality of Writing (4.8/5) You can select from three categories of professional essay writers: basic (a regular essay writer available at no additional cost), advanced (a talented writer with a ...
For an essay question on theme, you could write this basic introduction: ‘Sonnet 18’ by William Shakespeare is a poem that has an important theme of love. Shakespeare uses different techniques ...
Paras 1-5 should all follow this structure Plan 1 (Basic) Conclusion: link back to question, basic reader response to text as a whole, evaluate – state what has been enjoyed Plan 2 (Developed ...