The potential of drone brand Potensic has gone truly atomic recently, from toys to serious photographic drones – and there ...
Many scientists say “subcritical” experiments and computer simulations make nuclear weapons testing unnecessary.
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World account is separate to any IOP acco ...
With 37 days left for NEET UG 2025, students must focus on Chemistry. Understanding the syllabus, practicing reactions, and ...
America once led the world in nuclear energy, but it has fallen behind in this century. America now can reclaim former ...
These particles are so ghostly that trillions of them pass through Earth each day without notice. So, how do we detect them?
For decades the nuclear weapons 'club' has been limited to nine nations. But fears Trump could withdraw America's 'nuclear ...
Scientists have for the first time filmed the real-time growth and contraction of Palladium nanoparticles, opening new avenues for utilising and ...
After a year of fastidious planning, a microscopic sample of the ultra-rare radioactive element berkelium arrived at a ...
Creating a clean energy source is the dream we are all striving for,” says Texas A&M engineer Dr. T.S. Satish Bukkapatnam who ...
Isotope hydrology helps governments find and understand the source of their water supplies – so they can develop management ...