A new map has revealed the most common religion in every African country, showing a clear divide between Christianity and ...
Under our feet, processes are occurring that could reshape the world map in the long run ... Will humanity survive long enough to see Africa finally split into two parts? Only the future can ...
Africa's split "will be just another move in this giant geological playbook," said IFL Science. "Whether we as a species will survive for long enough to witness it? Well, that's a different story." ...
A century ago, Germany, France and Britain claimed Cameroon at different times. The scars are seen in conflicts today.
Africa has the most countries of any continent with a total of 54. Rather than following natural terrains or historical boundaries, many of its borders are strikingly straight in some areas and ...
Ask pupils if they can say what Africa is. Explain that it is one of several continents that make up the world. Discuss the meaning of continent and show these on a globe or 2D map of the world.