为全面提升基层医务人员急救技能水平,深化医共体单位协同救治能力,近日,平阴县人民医院总院组织12名来自医共体成员单位的医务人员,开展了一场高标准的美国心脏协会(AHA)基础生命支持(BLS)国际认证急救培训班。此次培训旨在通过国际标准化课程规范急救流 ...
“These behaviours are reminiscent of how humans are taught to clear the airway of an unconscious individual during CPR,” they noted. Their behaviours suggested “reviving-like efforts ...
A new $15 million fundraising commitment from Walgreens will accelerate the association’s lifesaving work. As of Feb. 1, the CVS Weight Management program is available to more than 3.5 million ...
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Association (AHA), in collaboration with other societies, released a full guideline on the management of patients with ACS on Thursday, ...