4 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN程序员推荐 | 奥睿科ORICO扩展坞 | 👍🏻!现在越来越多的年轻人选择使用轻薄本电脑,在轻便的同时,外接接口也缩减成了一个,因此很多人选择购买一款扩展功能的集线器。 1⃣ ORICO-AH 是一款 USB3.0接口的 HUB,采用铝合金材质打造,外观高端简洁。小巧迷你,便携式设计,使用简单方便, ...
Tesla’s stock tumbled 8% on Tuesday, pushing its market value below $1 trillion for the first time since November after data showed the electric car maker’s sales slumped in Europe in January.
South Korean actor Yoo Ah-in was released from prison Tuesday, Feb. 18, after receiving a suspended sentence for the illegal use of the anaesthetic drug propofol, the Seoul High Court said.
South Korean actor Yoo Ah-in was released from prison Tuesday (Feb 18) after receiving a suspended sentence for the illegal use of the anaesthetic drug propofol, the Seoul High Court said. Yoo, whose ...
纸品包装检测仪器采用计算器控制,精度高,是检验纸箱或其它包装容器耐压强度*直接的测试仪器,用于判定纸箱的抗压能力,并可做持压堆码的测试。试验的结果可作为工厂堆放成品包装箱高度的重要参考. 备注:中国台湾AC变频电机驱动;采用无隙滚珠螺杆 ...
IT之家2 月 16 日消息,惠普现已推出 2025 款 EliteBook X G1a 笔记本电脑,官方揭晓了该机顶配版的规格信息和定价,该机采用锐龙 AI 9 HX 375 + 128GB RAM + 1TB SSD,定价为 4299 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 31234 元人民币)。 这款笔记本整体造型低调,整体重量约 1.49 千克 ...
Cytokinesis is the last step in the eukaryotic cell cycle, which physically separates a mitotic cell into 2 daughter cells. A few days after birth in mouse cardiomyocytes, DNA synthesis occurs without ...
【重磅速报】WLK怀旧服情人节活动确定于2月3日10:00开启!持续至2月17日10:00的浪漫攻势中,药剂师汉摩尔将掉落245装等史诗 ...
此中文版《万智牌完整规则》是大中华区裁判社群志愿者的翻译成果,并非官方译本。 如果您对某条规则的翻译发现错误、或有改进的建议,亦或有意帮助翻译,请在以下Notion链接中添加评论,或直接在本仓库中提交Issue。 译本提供下列格式:纯文本 ...
These 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 400GB, 512GB, and 1TB officially licensed Nintendo Switch micro SD cards from SanDisk aren't always the best value price-wise, but they sure do look pretty and will no ...