FedEx Express extended the retirement of its entire MD-11F fleet from 2028 to the end of 2032. It plans to retire five ...
The Boeing 747 was once the mainstayof almost every airline's long-haul fleet. It was larger, more economical, and had a ...
The Board of China Airlines, a Taiwan-based carrier, met 10 March to appoint the current President of China Airlines, Mr. Kao ...
虽然在长达十年的诉讼中,日本方面仍然判定主要过错在两位飞行员本身和中华航空,最后也判定中华航空赔偿受难家属50亿2641万日元。但是日本当局者却规避了空中客车空航的责任。引起家属和各方面的不满。终于空中客车公司迫于各方压力,也避免类似事故的再次发生。空客集团下发全球维修指令,修改空中客车,机号为A300系列的中控程序,以次防止在飞行过程中驾驶员与中控系统互相抢取操控权而发生不可控制的冲突。中华航空 ...