林德宜 公共政策分析学者3月21日,日本外长岩屋毅在中日韩外长会议开幕式上致欢迎辞时表示,“鉴于国际形势日益严峻,我相信我们可能正处于历史的转折点”,他并不是简单地表达个人观点。他还强调了一种在整个西方世界以及东亚和亚太地区日益受到关注的地缘政治立场 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
【印度央行对花旗银行处以360万卢比罚款】印度央行(Reserve Bank of India,简称RBI)周五宣布对花旗银行(Citibank N.A.)处以360万卢比的货币罚款。印度央行对花旗银行的罚款决定是基于对银行某些违规行为的审查。具体违规细节尚未在公开声明中详细说明,但通常此类罚款与银行在合规、报告或运营方面的失误有关。
Authorities in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have issued a heatwave forecast for 108 subdistricts, officials said Wednesday. Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority said in a ...
In 2023, Pakistan exported castor seeds valued at USD 2.69 million, making it the country's 660th largest export product. The primary buyers were China, which imported USD 2.69 million worth, and the ...
研究人员开展了一项横断面研究,数据来源于印度 Freedom from Diabetes Clinic 的电子数据库。研究对象为年龄在 18 - 70 岁、确诊为 T2D 的患者,排除了胰腺炎、药物诱导糖尿病等特定情况的患者。研究从 18950 例患者的电子病历中提取基线社会人口学、生化和人体测量参数,采用描述性统计方法进行分析,并对生化和人体测量指标进行性别差异比较。
China's Boao has announced the establishment of its first zero-carbon zone, a significant step forward in the country's ...
With the conclusion of the China Development Forum (CDF), one of the country's major international event, China ushers in its ...
医疗质量政策的构成(Composition of the quality-of-care policy) :该政策涵盖了 WHO NQPS 的八大要素,明确了国家和邦的健康优先事项,分析了现状并找出差距,确定了如安全、整合、以患者为中心等关键关注领域 5 。
当地时间2025年3月14日,法国巴黎雅典娜酒店华灯璀璨,第11届法国双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖颁奖盛典在此隆重举行。