新闻提要■地表最盛大的宗教集会印度「大壶节」今年盛况空前,吸引逾6.6亿名信眾和外国访客前来朝圣,创下新高纪录。精句选粹■India’s Maha Kumbh pilgrimage is drawing to a close after ...
Are you ready for the grand event of the 2025 "Lantou Automobile Cup" National Youth Badminton Championship? This highly anticipated competition will be held from March 18 to 27, 2025, at the Hefei Sp ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
2025年印度新能源电动车及充电桩展EV INDIA 2025将汇聚全球领先的新能源交通技术与基础设施企业,展示最新的电动车、充电解决方案及相关创新成果。印度作为全球重要的新能源汽车市场之一,近年来在政策支持、市场需求和技术进步的推动下,产业发展迅速。本次展会将为行业企业、政府机构、投资者及技术专家提供一个高效的交流平台,推动产业协同与合作,共同探讨未来发展趋势。 2025年印度新能源电动车及充电 ...
Director Faiza Ahmad Khan follows a group of quirky no-budget filmmakers in Malegaon, one of Maharashtra's big cities that has often become fraught with tension between its Hindu and Muslim population ...
Henan's foreign trade witnessed a strong start in the first two months of this year. According to Zhengzhou Customs on March 12, Henan's foreign trade value saw a year-on-year increase of 26.4 percent ...
DUISBURG, GERMANY - JANUARY 17: A worker oversees molten iron undergoing purification and alloying to become steel at the ...
The widespread sell-off was "mostly driven by anxiety about the impact" of the US government's tariff policy. US president ...
这并非马斯克首次将其社交媒体平台的服务故障归咎于网络攻击。去年,他曾以遭遇“大规模”网络攻击为由,推迟了与当时共和党总统提名候选人唐纳德·特朗普在X平台上的对话。 当时,他在毫无证据支持的情况下,将攻击描述为分布式拒绝服务(DDOS)攻击。DDOS攻击通过向目标网站发送超出其处理能力的网络流量,致使其服务器和其他业务过载瘫痪。 (财富中文网) ...
联想印度董事总经理Shailendra Katyal称,联想印度PC总销售额中,本地制造的比例为30%,计划明年将达到50%,并在三年内最终实现100%本土化生产(包括AI PC),并将其出口到世界各地。同时,联想计划2025年将在印度的产能提升至1700万台,去年联想在印度生产了超1200万台PC。
03/10 08:01 关注新茶饮行业趋势,了解各品牌产品上新信息。 来自北京市 春节才过去一个月,印度老哥又开始整自己的“新发明”。印度机器人公司 Musks Robotics 最近宣布推出印度首款量产人型机器人 Spaceo。