Alzheimer’s disease might be partly linked to the hormonal changes that accompany menopause. Plus, the brain might temporarily ‘eat’ its own myelin to power through marathons and scientists ...
Nature Research Intelligence gives you a greater focus on real-world impact, enabling you to find the most effective strategies and collaborations to deliver maximum benefit from your research ...
Making our way through security each week is a slog, but teaching incarcerated people has been an incredible career experience.
At the 19th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia in 2025, the Lebanese Pavilion, curated by the Collective for Architecture Lebanon (CAL), presents "The Land Remembers ...
COP16 President and Colombian Environment Minister Susana Muhamad heralded the agreement as a triumph for nature and for multilateralism in a year when the political landscape is increasingly ...
Two years ago, the world promised to protect nature. Pressure is mounting to deliver Led by negotiators from the so-called BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa ...
探索2024年最新二维游戏潮流!本文带你揭秘年度最受期待的前十佳作,无论是经典像素风还是创新艺术设计,从复古冒险到策略解谜,满足你对二维游戏的所有想象。紧跟潮流,一窥未来最具魅力的游戏世界,准备好了吗? 领主争锋是一款中世纪题材回合策略 ...