Increasing clouds this evening ahead of our next system. We will stay dry this evening and cool. Temperatures will be in the ...
The old phrase for March, "in like a lion, out like a lamb" doesn’t seem to apply this year. On a national and Minnesota ...
The northern Pacific will remain active as storms packing ample moisture in the form of drenching rain and mountain snow move into the northwestern United States starting this weekend, AccuWeather ...
With the start of the normal spring runoff season just over a week away, southwest Utah is still in the grip of a severe ...
The storms moving and forming across the country ... with several inches of snow and high winds forecast for the region's mountains. The weather service office in Seattle warned of an additional ...
March is technically Denver's snowiest month on average, and landscape companies work around the clock preparing to remove ...
StormTRACKER Meteorologist Lydia Blume discusses how far behind we are on snowfall and moisture headed into spring.
Periods of mixed precipitation are likely today. Rain could mix with snow, freezing rain, or sleet, especially toward Clark ...
NOT QUITE AS STRONG AS THE STORM WE’RE GETTING RIGHT NOW, BUT IT’S SOMETHING WE’LL B Tonight: Rain and storms changing to snow by 10pm. An inch or two possible. Watch for slick roads.
From showers, storms and potentially Severe weather to snow that night, Wednesday seems like it will have a little bit of ...
The storm's impact depends heavily on a warm front's position, with areas near Lake Michigan less likely to see severe ...