Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV are intricately linked, and they present profound challenges for global health. In 2023, 1.25 ...
UNAIDS estimates that under two-thirds (64%) of women living with HIV in Asia Pacific receive treatment to prevent ...
The significant health progress made over the past decade in Central, Eastern, Southern and West Africa—where many countries were on track to ending their AIDS epidemics—is now at risk of being ...
For years, Namibia’s HIV response has been supported by US funding, particularly through the United States President's ...
Funding: Rwanda's HIV program is predominantly donor-funded. In fiscal year 2023-2024, PEPFAR contributed 37.7% of the total HIV expenditure and the Global Fund contributed 50.8%. There is minimal ...
Si vous avez une demande précise à faire parvenir à l’ONUSIDA, merci de l’envoyer à l’adresse électronique ci-dessous qui convient : ...
HIV Prevention Services: Reduced capacity for sex workers, MSM and gay men, people who use drugs – due to the disruptions in outreach work by CSOs. HIV Testing Services: No discontinuation for key ...
Impact on Civil Society: Some CSOs are receiving activation notices, while others, like LENEPHWA (network of people living with HIV), remain under termination.
Impact on key populations: The US funding cuts have led to stress, depression, anxiety, and uncertainty among people living with HIV and key populations. There is a significant concern about the risk ...