In a recent study in Physical Review Letters, SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Aanjaneya Kumar and colleagues show that the ...
One of the most important ways that humans have impacted biodiversity in the long run is through reducing the abundance of megafauna (animals over ca. 45 kg/100 lbs). It is well known that toward the ...
Anselme CormierLecturer in ancient history at the Université catholique de l'Ouest in Nantes and research associate at the Centre Jean Bérard in Naples ...
Brave thinkers willing to explore new ideas about economics, policy, and governance. Early-career scholars and change-makers from civil society and private industry are equally encouraged to apply.
Exploring the difference between "stable" and "robust" touches on essentially every aspect of what we instinctively find interesting about robustness in natural, engineering, and social systems. It is ...
We show that a wide variety of nonlinear cellular automata (CAs) can be decomposed into a quasidirect product of linear ones. These CAs can be predicted by parallel circuits of depth 0(log(2)t) using ...
West, G. B.,Brown, J. H.,Enquist, B. J.
Luis BettencourtPritzker Director of the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation at the University of Chicago, and External Professor at SFI R. Maria del Rio ChanonaAssistant Professor of Computer ...
Medieval friar William of Ockham posited a famous idea: always pick the simplest explanation. Often referred to as the parsimony principle, “Ockham’s razor” has shaped scientific decisions for ...