Transparent wood, made by stripping organic polymers and replacing them with a mixture of egg whites and rice extract, could ...
In the ongoing debate over the benefits and harms of smartphone use in children, initial data from a US survey suggests the ...
A species of houndshark called Mustelus lenticulatus makes sharp clicking noises when handled. Until now, sharks as a group ...
Modified floating wood could seed the formation of new sea ice in the Arctic, helping counteract the rapid decline of ice ...
A new test of AI capabilities consists of puzzles that humans are able to solve without too much trouble, but which all ...
Women with premenstrual syndrome reported big improvements in their symptoms after taking placebo pills, despite knowing they did not contain any active ingredients ...
Simulations suggest that water can become a superacid under extremely high heat and pressure conditions. This may also ...
There's a small chance of very high warming even with moderate future emissions, according to a computer model exploring what ...
We’ve pumped huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that needs to be paid back. Large animals like wolves, bison ...
Our current best theories of the universe suggest that dark energy is making it expand faster and faster, but new ...
String theory may be our best attempt at a theory of everything, except that it can't describe an expanding universe like ...
Isar Aerospace is preparing to launch its Spectrum rocket from a base in Norway, which would make it the first orbital launch ...