See the Registration web page for registration information. While every effort is made to ensure that the Undergraduate Catalog and Schedule of Classes are accurate, unforeseen circumstances or low ...
Develop a deeper understanding of how human systems impact the natural environment and how to engineer systems to protect human health and ecosystems. Apply advanced environmental engineering ...
The automotive industry is rapidly adopting and developing technologies that allow vehicles to sense their environment and control the vehicle. Self-driving cars are being developed for consumers ...
Even if it's not a medical school requirement, pre-med students should consider job shadowing with doctors and other medical professionals. Admissions committees don't expect applicants to have real ...
Our mission is to foster the use of effective, environmentally benign additives that enhance the performance and durability of wood products in service through applied and basic research. This mission ...
Choose Michigan Tech for unparalleled excellence in mechanical engineering education—with personal attention. Try out new designs, team up with students on innovative projects, and network with ...
Michigan Tech IT develops and supports technology solutions that enable Michigan Tech's faculty, students, and staff to excel in teaching, learning, research, scholarship, and public service. We’re ...
Human Resources supports all faculty, staff and students at Michigan Tech University by anticipating and meeting the needs of a changing community to attract, sustain, and inspire excellence.
A positive and productive advising relationship is a key component of your success at Michigan Tech. You and your academic advisor will develop your academic plan, and your advisor will help you ...
What is an engineering degree worth? Year after year, engineering jobs in the United States and abroad are paid the highest average starting salary. Engineers get top pay. According to the U.S. Bureau ...