Pursue a career where your passion lies. If that's in protecting the food we eat, stopping forest fires, keeping our parks and public lands pristine and accessible, planning wise land utilization, or ...
In acknowledgment of the growth potential and significant investment opportunity for Maine agriculture and forestry, Governor Janet T. Mills and the 130th Maine Legislature came together to support ...
An index to all State Government Agencies.
The Department works to provide quality services to Maine citizens and continues to establish processes that will ensure accountability in the State's financial performance that will warrant the ...
Maine CDC’s Office of Population Health Equity (OPHE) advances health equity by illuminating and addressing underlying conditions and systems that limit the full potential of all Maine people to lead ...
The Board’s website (http://www.maine.gov/md/) includes a link entitled “Find a Licensee in our Database”. Click on the link and then enter the individual’s ...
Maine CDC Public Health Nurses are registered professional nurses, working to improve, preserve, and protect the health and quality of life for all Maine citizens. Using nursing theory, research, ...
The Maine CDC is excited to announce that we are modernizing our Tuberculosis (TB) reporting system. Currently, inactive TB (also known as Latent TB Infection or LTBI) cases and suspect and confirmed ...
All meteorologists, but especially Air Quality Meteorologists, are interested in wind direction information at a given location. One tool that meteorologists use to provide a visual depiction of wind ...
Below is a listing of upcoming trainings offered by OADS. Click on the class link to view details and register for a class. Click on the Date/Class/Location header to sort the listing. If you have ...
Welcome to the Office of the State Treasurer. We provide state agencies with efficient banking and financial services, which include revenue collection, payment issuance, reconciliation, and trust ...
What is an invasive species? An invasive species is a non-native species (including seeds, eggs, spores, or other propagules) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic harm, ...