Today, the Lupus Foundation of America announced a new, groundbreaking collaborative lupus clinical trial program – LFA Lupus ...
In a new study, researchers explored experiences, perceptions, and health effects of a newly developed healthy lifestyle ...
Members of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus International Collaborating Clinics (SLICC) group along with experienced ...
Having lupus can make everyday life challenging. When your lupus is active, symptoms like joint stiffness, pain, fatigue, confusion, or depression can make simple tasks difficult — and sometimes ...
Interested in trying yoga? While there are no hard and fast rules about which yoga disciplines are recommended, some are more likely to help ease lupus symptoms and others may be detrimental. “For ...
Doctors, scientists, health educators, and people with lupus work together to create our resources and programs. That means we have the trusted information you need to learn about lupus. If you need a ...
People with lupus should have regular evaluations to make sure life-threatening organ involvement is not developing. For individuals with severe organ involvement—such as kidney ...
The Lupus Foundation of America uses an electronic grant submission process. All applicants must submit their full application packages through the ProposalCentral online grants management system.
Cheryl Russell of Highland Beach, FL, doesn’t indulge in what she calls “symptom chasing.” After more than three decades with lupus, she refuses to head to the doctor every time she has joint pain or ...
We asked members of the Lupus Foundation of America’s Medical-Scientific Advisory Council for their suggestions on how to get lupus under control—and keep it that way. As you read through this list of ...
We support everyone affected by lupus. Whether you are living with lupus, a parent, spouse or loved one - we're your partner on this journey. The Lupus Foundation of America provides education and ...
Some steps you can take today to better support your loved one with lupus. Educate yourself about lupus Work together with your loved one to better understand the disease. Work on healthy ...