今年早些时候,罗杰·费德勒(Roger Federer)在新罕布什尔州(美国)的达特茅斯学院发表演讲。他问了听众一个问题。 “在我 ...
Izinkan kami meminta bantuan anda untuk menderma kepada penyelengaraan laman kami. Mahal jugak lah nak jaga blog ni. Ramai di luar sana tidak ada akses kepada sumber yang diperlukan untuk mengasah ...
Timeless Values to Guide Leaders Toward Integrity, Purpose, and a Legacy That Truly Matters Whether in life or leadership, I believe that it is useful to have some form of guidance on what behaviours ...
Mental health is a substantial matter. Yes, there is prejudice and stigma against it, as it has been since time immemorial. On the other hand, there is something brighter. Mental health is being ...
Bersama Pak Fachrurozi, Founder Jobseeker Bershalawat, kami akan mengupas strategi jitu agar sukses dalam melamar pekerjaan hingga interview kerja. Temukan tips eksklusif yang bisa membuat lamaranmu ...
Pak Micheal Jim Wewengkang adalah seorang pakar kepemimpinan dan seorang "coach" terkenal di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Dia seorang pengajar kepemimpinan yang terkemuka dan sungguh efektif. Bekerja itu ...
Ingin lebih disiplin tapi sering gagal? Pada kesempatan kali ini, kamu akan menemukan 3 strategi ampuh untuk membangun kebiasaan disiplin yang berkelanjutan. Dari teknik sederhana hingga trik yang ...
Wow, you scrolled all the way to the bottom! You must really like us. Since you’re here, we’d like to ask you to consider donating to the maintenance and upkeep of our site, which as it turns out is ...
Kita sering mendengar peringatan untuk tidak membuka Pandora’s Box atau Kotak Pandora, sebuah kisah dari mitologi Yunani yang merujuk pada guci yang berisi segala kejahatan di dunia. Namun, kita ...
Even as a business owner, it's important to recognise that you don’t have to navigate the world of SMSFs alone. As a business owner, your focus is often directed towards the present — running ...
Investing in headless development can pave the way for tailored customer experiences, better performance, and, ultimately, enhanced business success. Shopify has emerged as a powerful platform for ...
Before committing to any software, it is sensible to research customer reviews and the vendor's reputation. Every business organisation strives for efficiency and streamlined operations. Selecting the ...