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Correction to “Nomenclature revision may mitigate potential overtreatment of incidental finding of coronary calcium on chest computed tomography” ...
Background: More than 85 000 people die annually across North America from opioid poisoning; naloxone in the hands of the public is an effective intervention and saves lives. We compared the ...
Background: Although clinical trials involving psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy have not observed short-term increases in the risk of death, limited data exist on mortality associated with ...
Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and risk of chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and stage 1–3 chronic kidney disease ...
Optimizing placement of public-access naloxone kits using geospatial analytics: a modelling study ...
Most youth aged 12–25 years are students at secondary schools, colleges, or universities. They often seek help during a mental health crisis, which is defined as an experience of escalating distress, ...
Medicine and society: Nonceliac gluten sensitivities: encouraging patients through epistemic humility ...
Background: Whether people experiencing homelessness (PEH) have different COVID-19 outcomes than housed patients in Canada remains unclear. We sought to ascertain whether rates of in-hospital ...
La rhombencéphalite est un trouble inflammatoire du cervelet, du pont et de la moelle allongée qui peut entraîner une fonction cérébelleuse anormale, une faiblesse pyramidale, des déficits ...