Butterflies are well placed among British terrestrial insect and other invertebrate groups to act as indicators of the state of the environment. They are highly sensitive to environmental conditions ...
The UKCEH Land Cover Maps (LCMs) map UK land cover. They do this by describing the physical material on the surface of the United Kingdom providing an uninterrupted national dataset of land cover ...
The UK holds internationally important breeding populations of many species of seabirds and therefore has an obligation to keep an eye on their well-being. Seabird population dynamics are also a ...
Financing large-scale restoration is becoming more viable, as businesses become more motivated to voluntarily offset CO 2 emissions via the voluntary carbon market. UKCEH is leading a consortium ...
We harness data and digital technologies to provide solutions to environmental challenges, and are a major custodian of environmental datasets. The long-term environmental data hosted by UKCEH inform ...
MAVIS has now been succeeded by RMAVIS. MAVIS will remain available, however we encourage users to transition to RMAVIS. Please see the RMAVIS page for further details. MAVIS is a program that assigns ...
Citizen science is defined as the involvement of volunteers in science, so it has the dual benefits of making a contribution to ‘real’ science, while also engaging many people with science. There are ...
Loch Leven is the largest shallow eutrophic lake in lowland Scotland (surface area 13.7km 2, mean depth 3.9m). It is an excellent example of a lake that supplies a wide range of ecosystem services and ...
Microbes are central to all life on Earth due to their huge diversity in form and function. In soils, one teaspoon of topsoil contains around 1 billion individual microscopic cells and around 10,000 ...
Here you can explore the kind of roles we recruit for, search our latest vacancies, learn more about what it's like to work at UKCEH, and find out about the many benefits of joining our team. Every ...
We want to tell you about UKCEH in the words of our people. We have more than 600 staff and over 50 students working across our four sites, with everyone playing a vital role in the organisation’s ...
UKCEH has a long history of creating innovative information products. We take a flexible approach to licensing to meet the needs of commercial, non-commercial and academic customers. You can use our ...