Voice of America e Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty sono state chiuse mentre la Russia continua a investire nella ...
La diplomacia de paz de Donald Trump no ha producido el efecto deseado: la guerra en Ucrania no se acabó en 24 horas. Rusia ...
Il protocollo che dispone il trasferimento dei richiedenti asilo in centri di detenzione in Albania sta incontrando sempre ...
Donald Trumps Friedensdiplomatie scheitert, Voice of America und Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty werden abgeschaltet, ...
Italy's offshore asylum protocol, which sends asylum seekers to detention centres in Albania, face legal challenges and ...
While Donald Trump's peace diplomacy has not produced the desired results, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio ...
What does it mean to be left-wing and find yourself facing an invasion that you didn’t choose or want, that forces you to ...
With their persistent talk of a “migration crisis” and appeals to pragmatism, our politicians risk needing to authorise all ...
The wine industry has been rocked in recent years by fraud scandals involving Spanish bulk wine being falsely labelled and ...
In the Armenian provinces of Ararat and Vayots Dzor, local people live a stone’s throw from trenches, while soldiers are ...
Vagues de départs en retraite, manque de formation de nouveaux praticiens, émigration des praticiens vers des pays aux conditions de travail plus favorables... d'ici 2020, l'Europe pourrait manquer de ...
Un tweet sur un robot utilisé comme vigile, et qui dans des circonstances suspectes est tombé dans la fontaine du hall du siège d’une entreprise, a fait le buzz sur Twitter. C’est drôle, mais de ...